«History is more or less bunk. It's tradition. We don't want tradition. We want to live in the present and the only history that is worth a tinker's damn is the history we made today.»
-Henry Ford-

eTools.ch - Press

Press Releases from eTools.ch

Official press releases after the relaunch of eTools.ch on September 2005:

10/26/2015 «eTools.ch unterstützt BÜPF-Gegner und NDG-Referendum» PDF icon (in German)
09/07/2006 «Erfolgreiche Suche nach der Nadel im Web» PDF icon (in German)
09/14/2005 «Komfortable Metasuche mit eTools.ch» PDF icon (in German)

Publications about eTools.ch

A selection of third-party publications since September 2005:

01/04/2024 Swiss Policy Research: «Professional use of online media - using alternatives to Google» (in German)
05/09/2023 BASIC thinking: «Tracking trick: How to surf the internet anonymously» (in German)
04/17/2023 Süddeutsche Zeitung: «Search without tracking: On the move with privacy on the web» (in German)
03/23/2022 Futurezone - Digital Life: «10 alternatives to Google Search: Metasearch engines» (in German)
02/12/2021 digithek blog: «Recommendable search engine Etools» (in German)
02/11/2021 Archivalia: «Major search engine test 2021: Alternatives to Google?» (in German)
05/17/2020 GREYCODER: «eTools: An Interesting Meta Search Engine» (in English)
02/05/2020 Online PC: «The best Swiss Google alternatives - The metasearch engine eTools.ch» (in German)
02/03/2020 PCtipp: «The best Swiss Google alternatives - The metasearch engine eTools.ch» (in German)
09/23/2019 Onely (SEO blog): «What Happened to Meta-search Engines?» (in English)
08/31/2017 Beobachter (Swiss consumer magazine): «Privacy on the Internet - How to protect your data from Google & Co.» (in German)
06/30/2017 Data Protection Officer Canton Zurich: «Leaflet: privacy-friendly software - anonymous search» (in German)
06/22/2017 Phil Bradley's book: «Expert Internet Searching, 5th edition (page 107)» from Facet Publishing or Amazon.com (in English)
07/13/2016 Karen Blakeman, RBA Information Services: «Alternatives to Google: Carrot Search and eTools.ch» (in English)
02/02/2015 Phil Bradley's weblog: «eTools.ch - Metasearch» (in English)
06/18/2014 AndroidAuthority.com app review: «eTools Private Search – indie app of the day» (in English)
04/16/2014 CHIP issue 5/2014 Comparision of search engines, abstract in Süddeutsche Zeitung: «Google-Alternativen bieten mehr Datenschutz und weniger Komfort» (in German)
After reading the test report, we assume that the test author did not consider the eTools.ch preferences.
07/10/2013 Elektronikpraxis and IP-Insider: «5 Suchmaschinen, die Ihre Privatsphäre besser schützen» (in German)
03/11/2013 Archivalia: «Metasuchmaschinen-Test» (in German)
In a test with 10 international metasearch engines, eTools.ch was the clear winner over all four tasks!
03/28/2012 Softonic: «Top private alternatives to Google Search» (in English)
12/09/2008 inside-it.ch: «Alle Datenquellen gleichzeitig durchsuchen: Schweizer Suchlösung für Unternehmen» (in German)
09/15/2008 Tages-Anzeiger and Berner Zeitung: «Webdienste, die wirklich etwas taugen» (in German)
07/20/2007 PCtipp: «Die besten Gratisdienste im Web» PDF icon (in German)
04/10/2007 Migros-Magazin: «Suchen ist googeln» PDF icon (in German)
03/30/2007 Search Engine Land: «A "Swiss Army" Meta Search Engine» (in English)
09/19/2006 T-Online: «Schweizer Meta-Suchmaschine mit Dreh» PDF icon (in German)
09/08/2006 PCtipp: «eTools.ch: eine Suchmaschine für alle» (in German)
09/07/2006 Online PC: «Meta-Sucher eTools.ch mit Gewichtung der abgefragten Suchmaschinen» (in German)
09/07/2006 pressetext: «Erste Meta-Suchmaschine mit Wunschprogramm» (in German)
06/20/2006 PCtipp: «Internetsuche abseits von Google» PDF icon (in German)
03/01/2006 anthrazit: «Suchmaschinen werden immer wichtiger» PDF icon (in German)
02/07/2006 saldo: «Präzise, umfangreiche Suchergebnisse» PDF icon (in German)
11/16/2005 Netzwoche: «Wenn Google nur der Gehilfe ist» PDF icon (in German)
09/06/2005 Handelszeitung: «Internet-Suchmaschinen: Betont ruhige Stimmung (with interview)» (in German)


Award 2009: the 200 best websites of Switzerland After five times in a row, the Swiss magazine anthrazit elected eTools.ch in the year 2009 again as one of the 200 best websites from Switzerland:
reviews of the top 10 websites in the category Information – Search, or the reviews of all categories in one PDF document. (in German)

Further Information

eTools.ch is based on our proven search solution EnterpriseMetasearch® which is distributed and supported by several partners.
Information about how eTools.ch works can be found under Info.
Stephan Schmid from Comcepta AG is glad to answer your questions: contact details.

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