«Sex and golf are the two things you can enjoy even if you're not good at them.»
-Kevin Costner-

eTools.ch - Preferences

Save your Preferences to this Browser

To save your preferences, your browser must be set to accept cookies.
This non-personally identifiable cookie is stored in plain text on your computer.
Search timeout
Maximum time to wait for an answer of the search engines (default: 2 seconds).
Main country in which to be searched (default: worldwide; highlighted: country of residence).
Main language in which to be searched (default: all; highlighted: browser settings).
Results per search engine
Maximum number of results that will be requested from each search engine (default: 10).
Results per page
Maximum number of results shown on each page (default: 10).
Search engines
Selection of search engines that will be queried and optionally weighted (default: my preference).
my preference: assign a weight or disable the following search engines:


Note: [important] or [very important] means that results from the corresponding search engine are weighted stronger, than those from a search engine with the preference [normal].
Safe search filter
Try to filter out offensive content (default: disabled).
Use the method POST instead of GET for the search form (default: enabled).
Invoke result links with an intermediary redirect (default: disabled).
Show search status
Show status of the queried search engines (default: disabled).
Open new window
Open search result links in a new browser window (default: enabled).
Support browser-based autocompletion of the search input box (default: enabled).
Focus input box
Automatically focus the search input box (default: enabled).
Show advertisement
Show advertisement banner - thank you for your support! (default: enabled).
Highlight keyword
Highlight the keywords in the search result (default: enabled).
Additional query
Additional query, mostly used to reduce Spam, e.g. '-ebay -amazon' (max. 100 characters).
Customer ID
Your personal Customer ID (32 characters).
To save your preferences, your browser must be set to accept cookies.
This non-personally identifiable cookie is stored in plain text on your computer.

Search Tip #11

You have access to the last search results anytime during your browser session, even if you changed to another menu or to eTools.ch 'Mobile Search' in the meantime.
If you wish to delete these temporary session data, just click to 'Reset Session' at the bottom of the page. Otherwise after about 20 minutes idle time, these data will be deleted automatically.


Search Provider

Search faster by adding a search provider or search plugin to your browser.


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